How can I earn?

This is the real thing! 
Explain the ignorant man the system of MLM company someone works simply, and to me, and after 14 years of work in this area is not. The reason my statement is factual situation: too many people who either are not informed about this industry, or are wrongly informed and cursory or fairly well informed, but the "bricks" and become anti-propaganda network marketing. So here I'll just try to explain the MLM and the specific, in my opinion awesome kind of network marketing: consumer associations and retailers through a network of marketing, more specifically, the company SCNet!

Consumers Association
Regarding the purpose of consumer associations, we first need to agree on some basic assumptions:

All of us are customers every day - we buy groceries, clothes, fuel, cars, furniture, appliances, houses and so on. And all we want to get more for less money.

All that we buy from dealers who have a passion: to buy it cheaper, sell more expensive, and to cope with the competition. Revenues should be higher than their expenditures in order to survive. The more traffic they have, it can get lower prices from their suppliers - which brings us to the first economic principles relevant to our work: they're more a buyer, the more discount you get!

Do we, as consumers come to buy from a dealer, he needs us to be "passing" or something to hear him. Advertising through print, radio, television, personal recommendation, fairs, billboards and the like can connect us. But it all costs!

And now we come to the ingenious idea of ​​consumer associations. When you join us say a thousand, make a list with names and I go to a store owner and suggest that our group 5% discount if we bought for him, even though we are not just "the way". What will tell the owner where his interest? His interest is to get to it, because retail is a good chance that about 20-30% of the price actually its the difference between the sales price, and let's say about 15% of his net income, if they refuse costs. Of these 15% of net profit, and often half went on advertising, so that the trader has survived.

We said that there is no economic principle that says we are more buyers, the higher the rebate. What if the owner comes in with a list of 10,000 potential customers? Or 100,000? Probably would have given us and a 10% discount, and maybe more! Of course, not all areas with equal trade discounts, costs, transport, etc.. For example, it is impossible to get great discounts when buying a car or an apartment, because there are also some margins much less than 20-30%.

These associations consumers have a lot. There are local organizations that organize some trading houses. There are sometimes organized by several associations of commercial houses, chain stores, etc.. And how about the brilliant idea of ​​the quadrant, that we organize thousands of traders and merchants, even tens of thousands? Then you can cover all the areas in which we buy something every day!

Network Marketing
Now, when we previously looked at the set, it should go to the definition of network marketing. Let us start again from the need.

On the one hand, there are a number of people who have a need for additional prihodima.Neki and basic income. And they all have a similar problem: how and where to make money. If you run a private business, have a risk, the question is whether they know something you do can do so, the question is whether they have the capital to do so. There are many people who would love to have more free time for yourself or your family, or sports, arts, hobbies, church.

On the other hand, we know well that the economy is no longer so vast wisdom of some produce, but it must also sell. A huge number of companies have a need to find a way to sell its products. It works in many ways. For instance, the classical market - the factory is sold to retailers, wholesalers and retailers to continue. Sometimes there are pockets and Telešop, catalog sales, personal selling, and so on. One way of distributing goods, in many ways advanced and specific and sales through network marketing.

Let's explain how network marketing works, comparing it to say, running a private trade that each of us has in the neighborhood - now we call them mini-markets, and sometimes they were just "shop."

Let's say we buy bread for 0.80 EUR, and selling it for 1.00 EUR. The price difference is our profit margin. This does not mean that we earn 0.20EUR . Since then our costs to be deducted, in order to get our earnings. Why do we get from the store bakery for EUR 0.80, a person as a citizen can not? Because the store to buy more bread stores helps the bread come from the bakery to the consumer. Thus, in network marketing, you become a distributor, you are buying from a company of 100 EUR, and for example, sell for 140 EUR. Once you take your goods when you go to visit a friend, former colleague when you go to work, once you send mail and delivery charges. I shall behold your costs are not higher than revenues.

As the owner of the shop, you might decide to open several more stores there and hire people and train them to work. Then make more bread bought daily from the bakery, so you may have a bakery down the price to 0.75 EUR per profession. And you to the stores then charged EUR 0.80 per profession and they would be satisfied, because neither of the bakery would not get a bigger discount. So that you remain 0.05 EUR wholesale earnings from stores you have trained people. Logically, does not it?

Next to those of your store to organize your smaller stores and have them trained, so that they receive EUR 0.05 wholesale difference, and you would say, with a greater turnover of the bakery has received EUR 0.05 discount per loaf of bread. Then you would earn from the "other" deep in your online store.

E So you work and network marketing, just as in a classical trade Rarely more than two or three deep in the network, and network marketing have often dozens, hundreds, even thousands of depth!

... equals 4!

Now we have only to sum up two two. Since SCNet consumer associations and retailers, there are some discounts that we have the right. The average family of four in HR earns about 600 euros a month. I usually spend it and, unfortunately, barely survives. But two and a half million families in the Republic spends quite a large sum of money. The average discount of say 5% of this spending is huge money. The discount in this ingenious idea the cube is distributed most righteous of the existing system of distribution: network marketing.

In SCNet business you actually make money by buying. You earn money from your expenses that you normally would rule. As you earn more, you'll spend more, and after earning spending, earn more. Of course, not everything goes to infinity, due to Zeno's paradox, but it is positive for you in every way.

To start a network marketing, your private business, you do not need starting capital.You do not need a certain level of education or profession. It does not matter which gender, ethnicity, religion, financial situation or age.

It is essential that you have a need for additional income and more leisure time or more accomplishments in life. It is important to have the willingness and desire to teach yourself to be better and more efficient personality and how you learn, and others.

It is important to be a winner, not an eternal skeptic and a loser. 


This is just one of the ways of PROFITS. There are many

If we do the notifications, and only 20 of our relatives = 20

20 of them let each include only 10 of their relatives = 200

They include some 200 each only 10 of their relatives = 2.000

They include some 2000 each only 2 your acquaintance = 4.000

TOTAL:                                                 6220

6220 Let them spend a month just by € 100 = € 622,000

€ 622,000 x 0.5% = € 3,110 per month earning every month